Mandela Class
We are Mrs Drury and Mrs Bartley and we are the Year 3 teachers. Here are some of our weekly routines:
Our PE lessons for the Spring Term will take place on Tuesday and Thursday, therefore children should arrive to school in PE kits.
We encourage the children to read for 30 minutes every night and to record this in their Home Reading Record. These should be brought to school every day.
Every Monday, your child will be given a list of spelling words along with a spelling rule. They will need to learn these by Friday when they will be tested. The test will also include some surprise words, which will follow the spelling rule they have learnt.
The children should continue to learn their times tables and complete one page of their Times Tables Record weekly. The children can use the Times Tables Rock Stars website to help support their learning in a fun and interactive way.
Homework will be set on Friday and should be submitted by the following Wednesday. Homework can be completed on paper or submitted via our Google Classroom.
Our half-termly curriculum letter can be found below.
Thank you for your continued support with your child's learning. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Useful Links
Curriculum Newsletter- Spring 1
spring 1 curriculum letter.pdf
Curriculum Newsletter- Autumn 2
Curriculum Newsletter- Autumn 1
class newsletter a1 year 3.pdf