Garden Ambassadors
Our Garden Ambassadors are responsible for looking after and caring for our environment. Following Pope Francis' 'Laudato si', they visit the allotment at St. Joseph's to look after God's creation: planting new seeds and watering our plants and vegetables; they ensure that as a school we are proactive in our litter picking a and they promote a love of our creation: God's world.
Throughout the seasons, they will follow a journey from seed to plate: sowing seeds, looking after seedlings, planting out and tending vegetables until harvest. Through gardening, the children establish a connection with nature and their environment, whilst promoting healthy eating and the benefits of gardening for physical and mental wellbeing. We grow organically so the children develop an understanding of and respect for nature and its inhabitants, and value their roles in the garden space and more generally in our food system. This is particularly important in urban settings, so we recently planted mini orchards with fruit trees, sowed some wild flower seeds and planted out our young vegetable plants for this growing season.
Our Gardening Ambassadors take their role very seriously and we are very lucky to have them caring for our world.
Please click the link below to see our fabulous children in action in our Allotment and the Paper Garden!
Click to view: Our Allotment