St Joseph's Rotherhithe

Google Classroom

Tips on how to access your child's Google classroom


Guidance on how to access your Google classroom

 In order to log on to Gmail you should:

 Type into a web browser

  1. Using your child’s Gmail username (not yours as a parent!) type it into the username/ email section
  2. Your child’s username will be their first name followed by their surname initial (NOT E.g.
  3. Your child should have their password already- all children have been given their passwords. If your child has forgotten their password please email us or call the school office and I can reset it for them:
  4. Once logged in click on the 6 little dots in the right hand corner that make the shape of a square
  5. Scroll down and click on the option ‘Google Classroom’
  6. Children should then see their class name/ group and will be able to see the work that their teacher has set for them