St Joseph's Rotherhithe

School Uniform

Please follow this link to purchase uniform for our school:


The uniform of St Joseph’s is smart and the wearing of it ensures that all children come to school similarly dressed for a working environment. It is also a mark of belonging to the school community. We hope parents will support these ideas and use the following list:


St Josephs’ Uniform – Summer and Winter (Required)

  • Grey skirt, pinafore, trousers or shorts – plain styles e.g. no cargo pockets.
  • Round necked ‘St Joseph’s logo’ sweatshirt or cardigan
  • White polo shirt/shirt/blouse (logo optional available from M&S)
  • Green and white gingham summer dress or gingham summer playsuits (summer only)


PE Kit (Required)

  • Yellow polo shirt with school logo
  • Green shorts/joggers/Skorts
  • Trainers


Bags (Required)

  • Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 – St Joseph’s Book Bag
  • Years 3 and above – Book bag/Rucksack (School back-pack with logo available)


Footwear (Required)

  • Sensible plain black, flat shoes- school style (no high heels - no sling backs, flip flops or boots. School shoes should be all black, no higher than the ankle with no patterns, logos or white/coloured laces)
  • Plain grey or white school socks (not sports socks) or plain grey tights.


Accessories (Optional)

  • Summer hat with logo
  • School back-pack with logo
  • PE draw string bag with logo



Please do not let your child bring toys, money, jewellery, smart watches or mobile phones to school. Children get very upset when things get lost or broken and squabbles often occur when special things are brought from home. Jewellery of any description is not allowed in school. The School will not take responsibility for loss or damage.





Uniform Policy

St Joseph's Uniform Policy

st joseph uniform policy 2023.pdf