St Joseph’s Pupil Premium Statement
Pupil Premium is a government funded additional sum allocated to pupils eligible for Free School Meals at any point in the last 6 years, are looked after or have parents currently in the armed forces. It is designed to ensure that funding reaches the pupils who need it most.
At St Joseph’s, the funding received through Pupil Premium is ring fenced so that it is spent on the those pupils who are allocated this funding. This expenditure is reviewed both annually and throughout the year (with regard to individual interventions) to ensure sufficient impact.
- We have high expectations of all. In line with our school vision-No child is left behind.
- Children in receipt of the premium are swiftly identified, monitored and reviewed robustly for impact on progress in Maths, Reading and Writing
- Every teacher know which pupils are in receipt of the funding and takes responsibility for ensuring they make good progress. They are held accountable though robust appraisal processes throughout the school year.
- The funding is spent with a focus on impacting on pupil progress in Reading, Writing and Maths to ensure all our pupils are ready for secondary school by the time they leave year 6. This includes speech and language which is a prelude to reading and writing.
- We recognise that outstanding Quality First Teaching is the best provision we offer to raise attainment.
- Assessment data is analysed by pupil premium
- Rigorous monitoring and evaluation must demonstrate the impact of spending on outcomes for pupils; if there is no impact, we shouldn’t do it.