Mr Eduardo PetrilliChair, Foundation Governor
Mr Eduardo Petrilli
Chair, Foundation Governor
I am the Local Authority appointed governor and have been in post since 2008. I am a qualified chartered architect and an RIBA validation board member. The panel monitors compliance with recognised international standards in architectural education. I currently work with the DfE advising and building new schools.
Fr TesfaMichaelFoundation Governor (Click for more details)
Fr TesfaMichael
RE & Spirituality link Governor
Mrs Stephanie BaileyFoundation Governor (click for more details)
Mrs Stephanie Bailey
Catholic Foundation Governor; Link Governor for Safeguarding, Art & DT
I have been closely connected to St Joseph's RC School for the past 22 years as a parent of 3 children attending the school and through my role as a governor. Being able to make positive contributions to the community in which I live has always been important to me and so I also feel privileged to have spent 5 years working at the Bosco Centre, teaching literacy and numeracy to our most vulnerable and disadvantaged young people. I am a qualified secondary school teacher; my main subject is Art and Design which I teach at Key Stages 3, 4, and 5. My role as Link Governor for Safeguarding is to support the work of the Mrs Garofalo and her team in ensuring that safeguarding and child protection policies are effective and to keep the governing body updated on the impact of these policies.
Mrs C McLoughlinHeadteacher (Click for more details)
Mrs C McLoughlin
Ms Edyta RopiakStaff Well-being link Governor
Ms Edyta Ropiak
Mr Marcin JagodzinskiFoundation Governor
Mr Marcin Jagodzinski
Mrs Lisa DaltonFoundation Governor
Mrs Lisa Dalton
Mr Patrick IdiongFoundation Governor
Mr Patrick Idiong
Mr Adam FicoFoundation Governor
Mr Adam Fico
Mrs Freccia BennParent Governor
Mrs Freccia Benn
Please click the links below to download a list of Governors and relevant information.
Committee Membership 2024-2025
Declarations of Interest 2024-2025
Governor Committee Attendance and Dates 2023-2024
Committee Membership 2023-2024
Governor Committee Attendance and Dates 2022-2023
Governor Declaration of Interest 2022-2023
Governor Committee Membership 2022-2023
Governor Committee Attendance and Dates 2021-2022
Governor Committees attendance and dates 20-21
Governor Committees attendance and dates 19-20
Governor Committees attendance and dates 18-19
Governor Declaration of Interest 2020-2021
If you require a copy of this please contact the school office.